In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley galore(postnominal) characters are presented that are actually symbols. Bernard Marx is a non-conformist, one who refuses to keep up with the rules of friendship. Hemholtz Watson is a symbol of futility because his intelligence is useless in Utopia. indeed in that respect is John who represents the noble savage, a universe of nature who does non need society. Bernard Marx was an individual in a society where individuation was practically extinct. He was an Alpha Plus, precisely he was runty like the tidy sum from the lower classes. All of his life, masses from his grade system had been severalizeing bad things about him. They say soul make a mistake when he was mute in the bottle - thought he was a da Gamma and rate alcohol into his blood-surrogate. Thats why hes so stunted(54). Bernard knew he was different. not wholly did he look like he was not hypothetical to, he thought differently. He would have like to be alone to thin k, notwithstanding Ford was against it. Civilized people were taught to shun solitude. However, when Bernard and Lenina were in a helicopter together, he utter he pauperismed to be alone. More on my own, not so completely a part of something else. Not just a cell in the brotherly body (106). All of this make him the symbol of a non-conformist.

He was a pariah, a neighborly outcast which was the reason he could not comply with the rules of his society. Helmholtz Watson appears in the story for the first time when Bernard visits him. The author makes Helmholtz out to be handsome, strong, and very intelligent. How ever, in his society his vast intelligence w! as wasted. He trusted to write about powerful emotions or tragedies, but there was none to write about. I feel I... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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